Need an Injury Lawyer for a Bus Accident in Maine?
A variety of transportation-related accidents take place across the U.S., due to the increased need of transportation in our lives for aspects like going to and from work, visiting friends and family, going shopping, and more. Buses provide us a very specific type of transportation that we can use in many aspects of our life: traveling to areas that may normally be inaccessible within the county. However, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), 56,000 bus accidents were reported in 2011 and, of these accidents, 24,000 injuries and 283 deaths resulted. These numbers are too high for a mode of transportation that must protect us from all harm as they take us from point A to point B.
Bus drivers have a legal obligation to protect us from harm when we are utilizing their services under many laws. If they fail to do so and you are injured in a bus accident, you may have a claim for compensation. Unfortunately, Maine is no stranger to these accidents. We want to hear from you as soon as possible to get started on your case.
Your Right to Compensation Under the Law
When a bus driver has acted negligently, you have the right to receive compensation under the law. Compensation will cover a variety of aspects like past and present medical bills, rehabilitation service costs, lost wages when you have to miss time at work, emotional suffering, loss of companionship, and more. Both economic and non-economic damages may be available to you depending on the circumstances and the extent of your injuries during this desperate time.
Buses are covered under “common carrier law” like many other types of transportation. This means that they owe you a reasonable duty of care when traveling from one place to the next. They owe you the highest duty of care because you are paying for their services. Still, there are many bus accidents that happen every year, some types more common than others. For instance, you may experience a bus accident after a driver decided to drink and get behind the wheel of their vehicle. Or, perhaps you have experienced an accident because the bus driver knew about a dangerous condition on the bus but did nothing to remedy the situation. For instance, they may have known that they were driving with faulty brakes but did nothing to fix the brakes.
When Bus Accident Cases Become Difficult
Bus accident cases can sometimes be very difficult to litigate because of certain requirements. For instance, there may be more than one party liable in your accident cases, such as a bus driver, the bus company, a manufacturer of parts, or another motorist. Anyone of these entities can be responsible if they have acted negligently. You may also find that your specific bus involved in the accident was owned by a government agency, which means that you have to meet specific filing deadlines and ensure that you have named the proper entity in your claim. If you do not, your claim could be outright denied. As you can see, these cases can become incredibly complicated, which is why you should have an attorney on your side. We can help you in your time of need when you have been injured in a bus accident and need our assistance. Let us help you every step of the way.